The Independence of Local Government Organizations in Providing Public Services According to the Principles of Decentralization. Case Study: Local Administrative Organizations in Songkhla Province The Independence of Local Government Organizations in Providing Public Services According to the Principles of Decentralization. Case Study: Local Administrative Organizations in Songkhla Province
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The purposes of this research article are twofold: 1) examine the issues, regulations, and obstacles that affect the ability of local government organizations in Songkhla Province to provide public services independently in accordance with the principles of decentralization; and 2) provide recommendations for how local government organizations in Songkhla Province can create independent public services in accordance with the principles of decentralization.
This research article describes the process of acquiring and analyzing data using qualitative phenomenological research methods. To understand social phenomena, one must consider them holistically and within their specific context. This falls under qualitative research, where the research tools employed include documentary research and field research. By collecting data from primary informants, gathering in-depth information through direct interviews with 11 individuals. The research is conducted within the context of local government organizations in Songkhla province. The data analysis process involves data management and is carried out as follows: 1) Data Organization 2) Data Presentation 3) Finding conclusions
The results of the research, problems, obstacles, and laws related to independence in the provision of public services according to the principles of decentralization of local government organizations in Songkhla Province, found that 1) Local government organizations in Songkhla Province still lack independence in providing services. Providing public services 2) In the provision of public services of local government organizations in Songkhla province, there is interference with policies and circulars, and 3) some officials under local government organizations do not dare to make decisions and do not have the expertise to perform their duties. There are recommendations include: The Ministry of Interior should recognize that its authority oversees local government organizations, rather than being a commanding authority. The Department should promote local government by reducing the number of unnecessary circulars sent to local government organizations and consider that some matters have been resolved. It is advisable to have a law specifying the units that assist in budget planning for local government organizations.
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