Perceived Organization and Supervisor Support and Organizational Commitment Affecting in-role Performance of Employees in a Regional Revenue Office Perceived Organization and Supervisor Support and Organizational Commitment Affecting in-role Performance of Employees in a Regional Revenue Office
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The objectives of this study were 1) the level of perceives organization support, perceived supervisor support, organizational commitment and in-role performance 2) the influence of perceives organization support and perceived supervisor support affecting organizational commitment of revenue officer 3) the influence of organizational commitment affecting in-role performance of revenue officer. The samples were 270 revenue officers. Data were collected by purposive sampling, employees in a revenue office who had worked for more than 1 year. The data analysis was done by using percentages and frequency distributions, correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and simple linear regression analysis.
The research results found that (1) the correlation coefficient (r) between the variables was between 0.116 – 0.599, whereby perceived organizational support and organizational commitment were correlated at a low level and in the same direction, perceived supervisor support and organizational commitment were correlated at a moderate level and in the same direction, and organizational commitment and role performance were correlated at a high level and in the same direction. (2) Perceived organizational support had a positive influence on organizational commitment (0.035), perceived supervisor support had a positive influence on organizational commitment (0.440), and (3) organizational commitment had a positive influence on role performance (0.599) with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.
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