Career Decision Making in Travel Companion of Working-aged People in Chiang Mai Province Career Decision Making in Travel Companion of Working-aged People in Chiang Mai Province

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Natthawan Reonchaidee
Nutsuporn Wothong
Thanaphon Sapsin
Nattinan Phokaew
Phongsathorn Cherdchoo
Minnaree Kiatopas
Komsit Kieanwatana


          A change of society has caused human beings’ adaptation to make it in line with the current situation, which finally produces different platforms of travelling. Moreover, when time becomes another obstacle, a new program of “travelling companion” has become widely well-known under the mutual agreement. This study investigates decision-making processes, job motivations, and career mindsets associated with the "companion" business among working adults in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Employing a qualitative approach, the research gathers data through semi-structured interviews. Key informants include three industry experts with over three years of experience in Chiang Mai's business and tourism sector, sixteen working-age individuals with at least one year of experience in the companion business, and one local stakeholder. In-depth interviews were conducted online and via phone calls. Data analysis utilizes content analysis and inductive analysis, ensuring rigor through triangulation methods. The findings reveal that economic factors, a passion for travel, and strong service-oriented mindsets are central motivators for working in the companion business. The research also identifies a variety of job-related attitudes shaped by individual perceptions and experiences. Additionally, factors influencing decisions to enter this field include lucrative pay, pre-service preparation requirements, and other potential limitations.  In conclusion, a main factor that motivates decision-making is an admirable attitude and personal talent that helps improve occupational skill for better efficiency.

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How to Cite
Reonchaidee, N., Wothong, N., Sapsin, T., Phokaew, N., Cherdchoo, P., Kiatopas, M., & Kieanwatana, K. (2024). Career Decision Making in Travel Companion of Working-aged People in Chiang Mai Province: Career Decision Making in Travel Companion of Working-aged People in Chiang Mai Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 367–383. retrieved from
Research Article


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