The Development of Programs and Participatory Cultural Tourism Activities in Khlong Nam Sai Subdistrict, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province The Development of Programs and Participatory Cultural Tourism Activities in Khlong Nam Sai Subdistrict, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study contexts of the participatory cultural tourism management in Khlong Nam Sai Subdistrict, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province; and 2) to develop a program of the participatory cultural tourism in Khlong Nam Sai Subdistrict, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province. The study was mixed-methodology research. In the qualitative study, a group interview was performed with 25 participants. On the other hand, the quantitative study collected data from 375 participants who lived in the area of Khlong Nam Sai Subdistrict. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics i.e., frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation
The results showed that 100% of the participants had perspectives in tourist attractions and activities in accordance with the distinctions in Klong Nam Sai Subdistrict’s cultures, historical places and traditions i.e., Prasat Khao Noi Si Chomphu, Wax-Castle Festival, Bunkhao Pradapdin Merit-making Ceremony, and local wisdom of the Ban Khlong Nam Sai weaving group i.e. In terms of facilities and transportation to access, 85% of the participants thought that the natural tourist attractions for community tourism was in a small number and there was no public transportation service. The travel to access was by personal car. Regarding accommodation, there was no accommodation service in the community area. It was found that the factors in developing the cultural tourism community consisted of 1) activities and learning process at the high level, followed by 2) management of cultural local wisdom heritage and local resources, 3) preservation, restoration, dissemination, and value creation. Regarding participation in developing cultural tourism activities, it consisted of 1) benefit sharing and receiving at the high level, followed by 2) implementation and operation, 3) follow-up and evaluation, and 4) idea expression, planning and decision-making at the moderate level respectively.
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