The Need of Prisoners in Education Management in Songkhla Central Jail The Need of Prisoners in Education Management in Songkhla Central Jail
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The objectives of this thematic paper were 1) to study the needs of prisoners were
concerned about educational management in Songkhla central jail 2) to compare the need were concerned about educational management in Songkhla central jail of the prisoners according to differentiation of age, degree of education, period of punishment, and types of cases 3) to study of suggestions were concerned problems and the way to solve the problems in educational management in Songkhla central jail. The samples for this study composed of the prisoners in songkhla central jail at the number of 291 persons, The data collective instrument was questionnaire, the statistics analysis by percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and F-test.
The results found that: The needs of prisoners were concerned about educational management in Songkhla central jail by including and each aspect were at high level, identified by age, degree of education, period of punishment, and type of cases when considered by each aspects found that; free learning aspect, vocational learning aspect, formal learning aspect, and dhammasuksa aspect were at high level. The comparative result of prisoners were concerned about educational management identified by degree of education, period of punishment, and types of cases were not different and age was different as the statistic significance at the level of .001 The suggestions were concerned about the problems and the way to solve the problems in educational management in Songkhla central jail found the lack of syllabus management, lack of educational data, instruments for educations were not modern, lack of prisoners for studying dhammasuksa and not enough of time. The way to solve the problem found that to provide the variety of occupational sections for more and more to provide the instruments for education, to provide the scholars for training about rituals of each religion to prisoners in regularly, to provide the teachers who have experienced for teaching as strictly.
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