The Classroom Action Research of Teachers in Meritorious School of Temples in Buddhism, Songkhla Province The Classroom Action Research of Teachers in Meritorious School of Temples in Buddhism, Songkhla Province

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PhrakhruvinaithornWutthichai Chayawuddho (Pettongma)
Boonsong Thongiang
Sornchai Taomitr


          This thesis has the following objectives: 1) to study the classroom research of teachers at charity schools of Buddhist temples, Songkhla Province, 2) to compare the research of teachers in classrooms of charity schools of Buddhist temples, Songkhla Province. with gender, age, education level Grade level taught and different teaching experiences, 3) to study suggestions about problems and solutions for classroom research among teachers at charity schools of Buddhist temples in Songkhla Province The population used in this research consisted of 161 teachers in charity schools of Buddhist temples in Songkhla Province. The sample size was determined from Tara Krejwee and Morgan. A sample size of 113 people was obtained using proportional stratified random sampling and simple random sampling by lottery. The instrument used to collect data is a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis are percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Testing the t-value (t – test) and the value (F – test) the results found that Research in the classroom of teachers at Korakusal School of Wat Nai Phutthasasana, Songkhla Province, including all aspects. at a high level The results of comparing the opinions of doing research in the classroom of teachers at charity schools of Buddhist temples in Songkhla Province, classified by gender, were significantly different at the .01 level. As for age, educational level. Grade level taught and teaching experience no different As for suggestions regarding problems and solutions in classroom research for teachers at charity schools of Buddhist temples in Songkhla Province. It was found that there was a problem with a lack of funding sources for research. and academic resources for studying and researching in the classroom Solutions found There should be training in the use of computers for data analysis. Should support budget for research.

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How to Cite
Chayawuddho (Pettongma), P., Thongiang, B., & Taomitr, S. (2024). The Classroom Action Research of Teachers in Meritorious School of Temples in Buddhism, Songkhla Province: The Classroom Action Research of Teachers in Meritorious School of Temples in Buddhism, Songkhla Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 452–466. retrieved from
Research Article


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