The Outcomes of using Skill Practice on Problem-Solving Skills of Counting for More Than 1,000 with the 5Es Inquiry-based Learning Process for Grade 2 Students The Outcomes of using Skill Practice on Problem-Solving Skills of Counting for More Than 1,000 with the 5Es Inquiry-based Learning Process for Grade 2 Students

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Rungruedee Boonwung
Charoenwit Somponngtam


The objectives of this research were 1) to find the efficiency of the 5-step learning management skills exercise (5Es) for the mathematics learning group about problem-solving for primary two according to the efficiency criteria 80/80 and 2) to compare the learning achievements with skills exercises for grade 2 students before learning and after learning The sample consisted of 10 Prathom Suksa 2 students. The research instruments were 1) 5 lesson plans, 2) Activity packages on the 5-step learning management skills exercise (5Es), 2 and 3) A learning achievement test for performing the 5-step learning management skills exercise and A satisfice tigon questionnaire towards managing learning The data analysis statistics for data andesine were mean, standard deviation and t-test dependent samples. The results found that: 1) The efficiency of learning management using the 5-step learning management skills exercise (5Es) for the mathematics learning group regarding problem-solving was 89.73/82.00, meeting the standard criteria. 2) The learning achievement after learning was higher than be for learning. statistically significant at .05 level.

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How to Cite
Boonwung, R., & Somponngtam, C. (2024). The Outcomes of using Skill Practice on Problem-Solving Skills of Counting for More Than 1,000 with the 5Es Inquiry-based Learning Process for Grade 2 Students: The Outcomes of using Skill Practice on Problem-Solving Skills of Counting for More Than 1,000 with the 5Es Inquiry-based Learning Process for Grade 2 Students. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 478–488. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Rungruedee Boonwung, Ratchathani University



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