Guidelines for Solving Problems That Affect the Practice of Novices in Pariyatitham Schools Guidelines for Solving Problems That Affect the Practice of Novices in Pariyatitham Schools

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Surin Numnaphol
Saman Kaewkumsai


          This academic article aims to present the problematic factors affecting the behavior of novices in Buddhist schools. Buddhist schools are a source of study for monks or novices who ordain under Buddhism. Novices are still considered teenagers even though they are monks. Problems that occur to teenage novices in Buddhist schools are numerous, such as problems in relationships between novices and the public, drug addiction among Thai novices, depression among novices (adolescents), and technology use by novices, which all parties must turn to look at and find solutions. The solutions affecting the behavior of novices in Buddhist schools include law enforcement and child support, education and awareness raising, emotional and social support, legal system and policy improvement, and organizational cooperation.

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How to Cite
Numnaphol, S., & Kaewkumsai, S. (2024). Guidelines for Solving Problems That Affect the Practice of Novices in Pariyatitham Schools: Guidelines for Solving Problems That Affect the Practice of Novices in Pariyatitham Schools. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 670–679. retrieved from
Academic Article


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