Guidelines for developing the management of general Boy Scout activities by school administrators in order to enhance the desired characteristics of students Schools in the Chaiburi network Under the Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 Guidelines for developing the management of general Boy Scout activities by school administrators in order to enhance the desired characteristics of students Schools in the Chaiburi network Under the Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Chatri Pachkul
Trirath Sithitool


          The current social conditions have changed, causing students to have undesirable behaviors. Therefore, the researcher is confident that the scout activity can help adjust students’ behaviors to have desirable characteristics. Therefore, the researcher studied the development guidelines for the management of scout activities of school administrators to enhance the desirable characteristics of students in schools in the Chaiburi network. The objectives were 1) to manage scout activities of school administrators to enhance the desirable characteristics of students in the Chaiburi network under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area 3, Surat Thani, and 2) to study the development guidelines for the management of scout activities of school administrators to enhance the desirable characteristics of students in schools in the Chaiburi network under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area 3, Surat Thani. The research sample consisted of scout activity teachers. The sample size was determined by using the ready-made table of Krejci and Morgan, with a total of 113 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for analysis were mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, and content analysis from interviews with school administrators.

          The research results found that 1) The management of scout activities by school administrators in the Chaiburi network under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area 3, Surat Thani, overall, has a high level of operation. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average value was the management of scout activities, followed by monitoring and evaluation, and the aspect with the lowest average value was budget. 2) Guidelines for developing scout activities management by school administrators to enhance the desirable characteristics of students in the Chaiburi network under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area 3, from the interviews with administrators, it was found that there are the following guidelines: 1) Administrators should set policies and establish clear structures, focusing on enhancing the desirable characteristics of students. 2) Teachers must be developed to have knowledge and understanding of scout activities. 3) Administrators jointly develop scout activities plans according to the curriculum. 4) Administrators give importance to allocating sufficient budgets for the project. 5) Administrators set and prepare monitoring and evaluation tools, and use the results to further develop scout activities.

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How to Cite
Pachkul, C., & Sithitool, T. (2024). Guidelines for developing the management of general Boy Scout activities by school administrators in order to enhance the desired characteristics of students Schools in the Chaiburi network Under the Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3: Guidelines for developing the management of general Boy Scout activities by school administrators in order to enhance the desired characteristics of students Schools in the Chaiburi network Under the Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 519–533. retrieved from
Research Article


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