The Role of Educational Service Area Offices in Managing Senior Scout Activities to encourage the Patriotism The Role of Educational Service Area Offices in Managing Senior Scout Activities to encourage the Patriotism

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Tarathip Wongkeaw


          This academic article aims to study the role of educational service area offices in managing Senior Scout activities to encourage patriotism. The study found that educational service area offices play a crucial role in policy formulation, resource support, personnel development, and evaluation of Senior Scout activities to achieve the goal of instilling patriotism, discipline, and social responsibility in Thai youth. Additionally, factors affecting the effectiveness of management include personnel readiness, collaboration between schools and communities, and student participation in planning and implementing activities. This article offers policy recommendations for improving the management of Rover Scouts to be more effective, ensuring that youth grow into quality citizens with patriotism, supporting the sustainable development of the nation.

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How to Cite
Wongkeaw, T. (2024). The Role of Educational Service Area Offices in Managing Senior Scout Activities to encourage the Patriotism : The Role of Educational Service Area Offices in Managing Senior Scout Activities to encourage the Patriotism . RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 716–727. retrieved from
Academic Article


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