Service efficiency of the Kalasin Provincial Land Office Nong Kung Si Branch

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Pirat manevongsup


          The objectives of this study are: 1. To study the needs, opinions and services of the Kalasin Provincial Land Office. Nongkung Si Branch and 2. To study the problem Obstacles in the service of the Kalasin Provincial Land Office Nongkung Sri Branch The population used in this study is People using services and service personnel of the Kalasin Provincial Land Office Nongkung Sri Branch Sample group Using accidental sample selection By collecting data from interviews with people who use the government services of the Kalasin Provincial Land Office. Nongkung Si Branch, between 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (only on official days) of 15 days, 2 people each, including 30 people and the land office officer, Kalasin The total number of 7 students in Nongkung Si Branch was 37. The duration of this study was between October 2015 and December 2015. The tool used for data collection was in-depth interview. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Process and service procedures found that there was a first-to-first service provisioning system. The agency has set rules and procedures for providing services to the people according to the authority of the personnel 2. The service staff found that the officers were willing to take care of and sincerely welcome the users to use the service. In terms of facilities, it was found that the service property was convenient for traveling because it was in the district on the main road. The workplace tells the order of the service recipient and the location of the service. Internet network service And computer work system Published documents Ready to provide consulting service And provide assistance and advice

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How to Cite
manevongsup, P. . (2020). Service efficiency of the Kalasin Provincial Land Office Nong Kung Si Branch. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(3), 52–58. Retrieved from
Research Article


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