Strategy for the propagation of religious beliefs in modern times

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Phrakhrumeteethummabandit jirasak Thonghom


          Buddhism is a religion which focus teachings in people living in peace, not hurt one another, and develop peaceful mindset from all grudges (passion) to the highest point, Nirvana that means not to rebirth or live or death in this world again.The teachings of Buddhism are able to make the whole world people live peacefully. Althought, Buddhism has been attacked by external and internal dangers. As a result, Buddhism has ruined from many countries such as India, Nepal, Indonesia and Malaysia, etc. Thailand is one of countries that has long prosperity history in Buddhism. There are various cultures related to Buddha, religion such as history, nation, traditions or even life by these result in built many temples and respect the monks. Nowaday Buddhism has less part in social activities because of the dangers that are creeping into both the external and the internal harm. The four Buddhist companies have less interest in obeying the doctrine this make misunderstanding and deviated the essence great distortion of the teachings, moreover the main authorities have not taken any action in the wrong part seriously .In the other hand, the authorities promotes other creeds instead which are external dangers becomes greater parts in the law and more propagating and preventing the doctrine , it affects the Thai Buddhists living . Therefore, what is happening today is a warning signal for Thai Buddhists to see the Buddhism is broken both inside and outside. Thai Buddhists should be awake to protect Buddhism seriously Otherwise, Buddhism will disappear from Thailand as other countries.

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How to Cite
jirasak Thonghom, P. . (2020). Strategy for the propagation of religious beliefs in modern times. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 2(2), 86–98. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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