Roles of the Buddhist Monk Students of Social Development: A study of the Buddhist Monk Students of the Fourth Year (or Senior) Class, Academic Year 2013 (2556), MahamakutBuddhihst University, Bangkok Campus

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Sornchai Taowmit


          The surveyresearch on “Roles of the Buddhist Monk Students of Social Development : A study of the Buddhist Monk Students of the Fourth Year (or Senior) Class, Academic Year 2013 (2556), MahamakutBuddhihstUniversity, Bangkok Campus is to study  the roles of social development of the monk students, to investigate the Buddhist  teachings : Moral development, spiritual development and wisdom Development applied to social  development and to analyze factors effecting the monk students’ roles of Social development and to examine the different forms of social development. All the sample  groups are 68 Buddhist monk students of the university;  however, only 52 of them (76. 47 %) responded the questionaires given.
          The study results showed that 50.0 % of the sample groups are aged between 18 - 24  years with their rains-retreats  between 1 - 5 years; 75.0 % of them have finished education of  a high schoollevel; 43.4 % of them have finished the third grade of Dharma or Nag DharmEk with their Pali grades between 5-6 Prayoka or Prian 5 - 6 ; 28.8 % of them are studying in the faculty of Religion & philosophy, there being only 13.40 % of them studying in the  faculty of Social science and Political science in government ; 86.5 % of them got used to  be trained in the Phra-DharmavidyakornProgram and Buddhist Sunday school program of  boththe university and of their monasteries.
          The investigative results of the monk students’ roles of the morality development of society or Silapatthana disclosed that they instructed their students to perform the  advantages and to refrain from the disadvantages of the five precepts in a great level of practices of X=3.29, k=3.21 and X=3.19 respectively.
          Their roles of meditation development of society or Samadhipatthana showed also a great level of their each instruction with statistical values of X=3.23 and of X=3.10  respectively, whereas their roles of wisdom development of society or Panyapatthana  based on respective listening, right concept, favourable questioning and a memory note or  record are of two levels of practice, a great level of X=3.00 and a moderate level of  X= 2.98 respectively.
          Moreover, the monk students propound an idea of “the Drarma–Co-operative Store” Persuading local people to live their life with sufficient economy based on morality orSila, meditation or Samadhi and Wisdom or Panya.

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How to Cite
Taowmit, S. . (2019). Roles of the Buddhist Monk Students of Social Development: A study of the Buddhist Monk Students of the Fourth Year (or Senior) Class, Academic Year 2013 (2556), MahamakutBuddhihst University, Bangkok Campus. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 1(1), 1–6. Retrieved from
Research Article


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