Human resource developments in Theravãda Buddhist Philosophy

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Ratchai kayanthum


          Human beings are an important resource from the past to the present. Humans are social animals like to live together as a group. Potential in itself is consciousness and intelligence. Can develop themselves by studying and learning the surrounding. To innovate to be able from the study of the history of human civilization. At first, there was a simple life. Living in nature human beings have developed themselves. Learn things. Learn to be afraid learn to think learn to solve problems around.
          Nowadays, the rapid and violent changes in the social, economic and political fields have a direct and indirect effect on human life inevitably. Human beings need to adjust to the changes that take place. The diversity of resources and increased labor force. Including changes in technology. This can facilitate the work. communications and productivity increase It is a trend of globalization and new innovations. Technology has changed the way management is developed and managed. The management structure of philosophy, vision, management policy management. And the problem of human resources in today's world is a change in itself, not before social and technological change. Thus, there are many social problems in the following. The cost of living increased. The education system is not well distributed and covers all areas. Modernity has become a popular consumption for social purposes.

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How to Cite
kayanthum, R. . (2019). Human resource developments in Theravãda Buddhist Philosophy . RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 1(1), 30–40. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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