Publication Ethics

International Journal of Science Education and Teaching (IJSET) concerns on ethics in academic publication. The IJSET follows the guidelines of “The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)” ( The plagiarism detection tool “copycatch” will be used to ensure originality of all submitted manuscripts. Any manuscript that has a similarity index of more than 30% will be returned to the author for revision and clarification. In order to prevent bias and conflict of interest, IJSET follows a double-blind peer review policy for all manuscripts the journal receives.

Editor Ethics

Editors make decision on an accepted manuscript or a rejected manuscript regarding on reviewers' reflections. IJSET editorial team consists of an editorial board and editor. Generally, the editorial board will give advice and guidelines on academic aspects. Editorial board members may also serve as reviewers. The editorial team consists of experts in Asia and pacific based on the research area of the submitted manuscript.

Author Ethics

Authorship of a manuscript should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the manuscript including conception and writing of the manuscript. In addition, authors must follow the guidelines listed below.

  • A manuscript never be published in eslewhere before. 
  • Authors can submit the manuscript to other journals only after the manuscript has been declined by International Journal of Science Education and Teaching.
  • It is the duty of the corresponding author to respond to all the comments and suggestions of the reviewers. If authors do not agree with any comments of a reviewer, the authors should provide an explanation. However, the final decision is at the discretion of the editorial board or the editor.
  • International Journal of Science Education and Teaching follows a strict policy regarding authorship changes. Approval of authorship change should be obtained from all authors if any author wishes to change the order of authors, i.e., add/delete an author or change the corresponding author.

Reviewer Ethics

Reviewers' reflection help authors improve their manuscript quality and ensure that the manuscript is worthy of publication and will contribute to academic knowledge. To achieve the aims of the review process, the reviewers are expected to perform their roles in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Reviewers should decline the review request if the manuscript is not fit to their expertise.
  • Reviewers should give reflections based solely on their expertise and without any conflicts of interest.
  • Reviewers must not reveal information or results from any manuscript prior to its publication.
  • Reviewers should inform the editor if they perceived that a manuscript contains duplicated works of other published articles.