Developing of Bachelor Student’s Learning Achievement in Basic Research Methods in Science through Constructivist-based Teaching

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Wirasak Fungfuang
Sasithep Pitiporntapin
Pramote Chumnanpuen
Nopparat Srakaew
Sroisuda Chotimanukul
Uthaiwan Kovitvadhi


The aim to this research is to study development of bachelor’s degree student’s learning achievement, majoring in Biology and Zoology in basic research methods in sciences by constructivist-based one university in Bangkok. Participants were the bachelor’s degree student who, registered the course entitled biology research methodology and in zoology research methodology in second semester of academic year 2013. The qualitative data and the conceptual, interpretation were collected by interviewing, observation, testing forms, attitude forms and satisfaction with learning. Quantitative data were analyzed with finding frequencies and means. Qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis.  The findings showed that giving examples that is clear and related to students’ research experience could enhance the student’ understanding of the lesson. Grouping the students according to their needs with mixed gender and ability could help students to concentrate in learning and promote the cooperation in the activity. Using various methods to engage students in the learning process could lead positive attitude toward learning. Moreover, providing a group of advisor for each group of students also could promote students’ learning achievement and desirable behavior. Encouragement, empathy and reward could encourage the students to respond by asking questions and answering to questions in the class.


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How to Cite
Fungfuang, W. ., Pitiporntapin, S., Chumnanpuen, P. ., Srakaew, N. ., Chotimanukul , S. ., & Kovitvadhi, U. . (2022). Developing of Bachelor Student’s Learning Achievement in Basic Research Methods in Science through Constructivist-based Teaching. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(1), 32–43. (Original work published April 30, 2022)
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