A Study on the Use of Information Technology to Enhance High School Students’ Science Learning

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Ching-san Lai


The major purpose of this study was to investigate the learning outcomes of using information technology in high school students’ science learning. A total of 31 high school students participated in this study. During the teaching and learning processes, students were guided to explore the topics of information technology and Earth science, with students instructed to operate a 3D imaging technology system in their Earth science learning. This study searched both quantitative and qualitative data as the sources for the analyses. A research instrument was used, namely a learning questionnaire (four-point Likert-type scale), to gather students’ feedback on using information technology and the 3D imaging technology system. In addition, a rubric was used to evaluate the students’ mineral and rock projects. The data underwent frequency and t-tests, and indicated that the integration of information technology into Earth science learning promotes students’ learning outcomes. According to the rubric assessment results, the presentation of minerals and rocks in the students’ projects fully represented the students’ understanding of minerals and rocks and showed how they had introduced 3D photographic techniques into their projects. Therefore, it can be concluded that the teaching and application of 3D photography is beneficial for improving Earth science learning and the information technology literacy of high school students.

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How to Cite
Lai, C.- san. (2022). A Study on the Use of Information Technology to Enhance High School Students’ Science Learning. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(1), 16–21. https://doi.org/10.14456/ijset.2022.2 (Original work published April 30, 2022)
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