Borsang Umbrella Handicraft: A Science Learning Resource in Thailand

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Yuttana Chaijalearn
Jessada Kaensongsai
Pimsupa Singtale
Anodar Ratchawet


"Borsang’s umbrella making" is indigenous knowledge of Science in San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai, Thailand. This local knowledge has been relevant to culture and traditions that are important products exported from the past to the present. This qualitative study aimed to survey its manufacturing process and immersed scientific concepts linked to the Thai National Science Curriculum Standards. Data were collected through participant observations and in-depth interviews. The participants were seven folk philosophers who made a career with the Borsang umbrella making, and the data were analyzed with content analysis as the inductive analysis. Also, the data reliability was verified by member check, peer reviewers, and triangulation method. As result, the findings indicated that the process of “Borsang umbrella-making" included 4 steps 1) material preparation for the canopy 2) building an umbrella structure 3) sealing the canopy with the structure, and 4) Painting and dyeing. Along the process, the scientific concepts found for the Borsang umbrella-making were properties of materials, physical and chemical properties of matter, and polymer. As a recommendation use of the indigenous knowledge as a science learning resource for Thai students, needs to concern organizing this kind of knowledge to fit into the National Science Curriculum and preparing science teachers to be ready and aware of its implementation in school contexts.

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How to Cite
Chaijalearn, Y., Kaensongsai, J. ., Singtale, P. ., & Ratchawet, A. . (2022). Borsang Umbrella Handicraft: A Science Learning Resource in Thailand. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(2), 65–76.
Research Articles