ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) Quest: Board Game on Cellular Respiration for Face- to-Face and Remote Learning

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Orland Miculob
Sotero Jr. Malayao
Mary Lizbeth Caballo
Jessa Mae Alivio
Shiella Marie Epong


The demand for novel way of learning complicated science concept is a constant challenge and this study addresses the issue by developing a modality that can be versatile as lesson support, supplement, and possibly a stand-alone learning delivery by letting them play and explore. The development involved three tryout and revision sequence with corresponding evaluation by experts. A usual summative assessment was given to students who have not yet taken, currently taking, and have already taken the topic. A measure of the incremental learning was measured using normalized gain, and intrinsic motivation was also measured after playing with ATP Quest. Results showed that in three types of learners, there is a good increment in their scores to the summative exam. Interestingly, there is no difference in the normalized gain for the three types of learners. Results lead the researchers to conclude that the ATP Quest can indeed engender learning even in the absence of formal instruction. That the game can be a good review for learners taking or have taken the topic. Above all, the game showed promise of applicability in remote and face-to-face learning.

Keywords: board game; normalized gain; intrinsic motivation; formal instruction.

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How to Cite
Miculob, O., Malayao, S. J., Caballo, M. L., Alivio, J. M., & Epong, S. M. (2022). ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) Quest: Board Game on Cellular Respiration for Face- to-Face and Remote Learning. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(3), 128–159.
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