A Dual Development of Board Game and Guided-Inquiry Activity in Teaching Electricity for Grade 5

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Vel Marie Palisbo
Arlyn Pusta
Jonell Razo
Sotero Jr. Malayao


The topic on circuits contained abundant misconceptions and there is a need to devise a teaching modality that will possibly address these misconceptions. The way of rectifying misconceptions should be n ways that engender high student engagement and facilitate accommodation of higher order learning and thinking skills. This research sought to develop a two-pronged modality to address both ICT-enabled classrooms and non-ICT enabled ones. A PhET-based laboratory activity and a board game named “Clash on Circuits” were developed and tried on two different public schools to see if  an increment of performance can be observed. Eight (8) in-service teachers and four (4) pre-service teachers assessed the laboratory activity using an adapted analytic rubric, while the board game was tried out with selected students for applicability. In the development of the PhET-based laboratory activity and board game Clash on Circuits, the following were gathered: 1) The readability of the final draft of the PhET-based laboratory activity yielded an average of 78.43 Flesch Reading Ease score and 4.6 Flesch Kincaid grade level; (2) Evaluation of in-service to the developed PhEt-based laboratory activity rated the developed laboratory activity as 8.825 in the average which is exemplary and pre-service teachers rated the developed activity as 9.10 in the average which is also exemplary; (3) The readability of the Final Version of the designed board game has 76.2 Flesch Reading Ease score and 6.8 Flesch Kincaid grade level; (4) Evaluation of the in-service rated the developed board game as 3.75 in the average which is exemplary and preservice teachers rated the developed board game as 3.76 in the average which is exemplary; (5) The difference in the pretest and posttest was significant in S1 school implemented with designed board game, and there is no significant difference in the S2 school implemented with both PhET-based laboratory activity and designed board game; and (6) the respondents’ perceptions from both schools S1 and S2 towards the developed laboratory activity and board game was 5.94 and 6.08 respectively, which was relatively too high and has very positive implication.

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How to Cite
Palisbo, V. M. ., Pusta, A., Razo, J. ., & Malayao, S. J. (2022). A Dual Development of Board Game and Guided-Inquiry Activity in Teaching Electricity for Grade 5. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(3), 160–179. https://doi.org/10.14456/ijset.2022.13
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