A Development of Comprehensive Project-Based Learning Packets in Teaching Conservation of Momentum

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May Liwanag
Monera Salic-Hairulla
Elesar V. Malicoban
Rebecca M. Alcuizar
Marjorie Villaruz
Sotero Jr. Malayao


This study has developed a Project-Based Learning activity in the conservation of momentum using available online simulations. The teaching materials had undergone validation and revisions for further improvement before its implementation. This study pilot tested the Developed Project-Based Learning Activities in teaching Conservation of Momentum and determine the gain of students in terms of their achievement test results. Developed Project-Based Learning Activities for Grade Nine Science class as a form of instruction and assessment in an Online Distance Learning Modality. Sixty-one Grade Nine Students were chosen to answer the Pretest-Posttest Achievement test. Through a Qualitative with quantitative support research design with weighted mean, Dependent/Paired Sample T-test, the comparison of the student’s achievement test scores through Normalized Gain, and their perception to the use of the developed learning material. Findings showed that the Developed Project-Based Learning Activities received a Very Good Rating from the evaluators. Based on their Achievement test results, students had a significant difference in their conceptual understanding and from their perception, it indicated that students’ value and find relevance in learning the topic specifically road safety. Thus, the use of the Developed Project-Based Learning Activity in online instruction improved the students’ conceptual understanding of Conservation of Momentum. It can also be seen that students who experienced PBL activity have a higher interest, motivation level and positive attitude towards momentum with a rating of 5.88 and a descriptive agreement the activities helped them learn the purpose of being careful about road and sports safety. With these findings, it is therefore concluded that self-directed, reflective and project-based learning strategies and teachers’ instruction might be effective.

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How to Cite
Liwanag, M., Salic-Hairulla, M. ., Malicoban, E. V., Alcuizar, R. M. ., Villaruz, M., & Malayao, S. J. (2022). A Development of Comprehensive Project-Based Learning Packets in Teaching Conservation of Momentum. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(3), 180–204. https://doi.org/10.14456/ijset.2022.14
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