Building a Positive Future for Science Education through Teacher-Researcher Partnerships

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Cathy Buntting


As a science education researcher and the director of a large online science education resource – The New Zealand Science Learning Hub – I am really interested in the intersection between science education research and practice. I often find myself wondering how teachers and researchers can be supported to work together to think about, and shape, the future of science education. In this paper, I draw on examples from two projects to showcase the benefits that can arise when teachers and researchers work proactively together, and to demonstrate opportunities for extending impact in the digital age. My hope is to inspire all of us to seek out opportunities to collaborate and learn together to enhance the science education experiences of learners in our early childhood centres, schools, tertiary institutions, and informal learning settings. This paper was first presented as a keynote address at ISET (International conference for science educators and teachers) 2023 in Phuket, Thailand.

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How to Cite
Buntting, C. (2023). Building a Positive Future for Science Education through Teacher-Researcher Partnerships. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 2(3), 127–134.
Research Articles


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