STEM Learning Activity through Making Natural Paints from Plants Process

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Thinai Sok
Dalin Ngorn
Sopheak Oeurn
Somalida Tann


The paper will clarify STEM learning activities related to the natural paint-making process. The STEM education learning activity will be developed based on Sutaphan and Yuenyong’s (2019) context-based STEM education learning approach. These learning activities aim to show the student teachers’ learning through (1) how to make natural paint from flowers and plants and (2) producing natural paints are available for use, low-cost, and effective. The 7 stages of STEM education are used as the processes for making natural paints from flowers and plants (beetroot, red cabbage, butterfly pea, and turmeric) into useable paints. The results from the learning activity shown that beetroot, red cabbage, butterfly pea, and turmeric have the properties to synthesize color ink and use it for artist setting. The inks synthesized are eco-friendly, avoid biological waste, and avoid hazardous chemical. This paper will discuss how to provide students with a chance to apply STEM knowledge through these activities to encourage students and local people to conduct natural painting with natural ingredients for safety and health.

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How to Cite
Sok, T. ., Ngorn, D. ., Oeurn, S. ., & Tann, S. . (2023). STEM Learning Activity through Making Natural Paints from Plants Process. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 2(3), 135–143.
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