A Review: The Impact of Micro: Bit-Assisted STEM Education

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Vivi Mardian
Waliyyatu Azzahra


BBC micro:bit is seen to enhance students' creativity especially in solving interdisciplinary problems such as STEM Education. However, there is limited literature that examines the effect of BBC micro:bit-assisted STEM learning. Thus, this study seeks to present a review of the characteristics of micro:bit-assisted STEM research, the effect of micro:bit-assisted STEM learning on student learning outcomes, and opportunities for micro:bit-assisted STEM research. This study reviews empirical research results from 12 papers published over the past five years. The papers are generally from Scopus and web of science indexed journals. Apparently, a lot of micro:bit-assisted STEM education research was conducted in 2022. The respondents came from primary school, secondary school, elementary school, and teachers. BBC micro:bit is implemented in STEM, STEAM, informatics, robotics, and technology learning content. Micro:bit-assisted STEM learning can improve students' 21st-century skills, attitudes, and knowledge that are meaningful to themselves and the environment. In addition, there are many opportunities to develop micro:bit-assisted STEM learning strategies such as looking at the performance of male and female students after solving problems with micro:bit.

Article Details

How to Cite
Mardian, V., & Azzahra, W. (2024). A Review: The Impact of Micro: Bit-Assisted STEM Education. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 3(1), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.14456/ijset.2024.3
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Vivi Mardian, Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Department of physics education

Waliyyatu Azzahra, Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Department of biology education


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