Development and Evaluation of Grade 4 Printed and Digitized Reading Materials on Topic Light, Heat and Sound

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Ciara Apao
Johnrico Enricoso
James Carl Sapilan
Ramonito Manugas
Kim Diate
Sotero Malayao Jr.


The aim of this research is to create engaging and informative printed and digitized reading materials for the fourth-grade level regarding Light, Heat, and Sound based on the DepEd curriculum and learners’ materials. The methodology adheres to the ADDIE model with 10 sample respondents as try-out implementation. The developed materials comprised three stories and were evaluated with a DepEd rubric for General Reference Material. The material was further subjected to a readability test that provided reading ease and grade level. The final version of the reading material was converted to a digital form with audio components. The digital version was uploaded to an unlisted YouTube channel for easy dissemination. Based on the evaluation, the average rating is 4.875 on the general reference which translates to “excellent”. On the readability, the two stories achieved a reading ease of 87.8 which is appropriate for 8-9 years old. Its average grade level is 3.1 which is consistent with the target learners. Post-intervention yielded an average of 93% which corresponds to “outstanding”. The study concludes that it is highly possible to create reading material that embeds specific science learning content.

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How to Cite
Apao, C., Enricoso, J., Sapilan, J. C., Manugas, R., Cuevas, N., Diate, K., & Malayao Jr., S. (2024). Development and Evaluation of Grade 4 Printed and Digitized Reading Materials on Topic Light, Heat and Sound. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 3(2), 67–68. Retrieved from
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