Science Pre-service Teacher Reflection on Pedagogical Knowledge and Other Essential Practical Skills Needed for Practicum according to School Context in Thailand

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Thidaporn Souysaart
Pairoh Sohsomboon


This study focused the views of 38 science preservice teachers on their concern during practicum experience in Thai school context. Written reflection and non-structured interview during group seminar were utilised to construct an idea of science preservice teacher concern on their practicum experience. Qualitative method was implemented to understand and illustrate circumstances of the phenomena. Data were inductively categorized into 8 themes of the science preservice teacher’ concern refereeing to 4 aspects, classroom instruction, social resilience, school condition, and other assigned academic work from school and university. The finding reveals the essential condition of quality experience during education programme to support effective practicum experience in Thailand, which has to consider various dimensions not only practical knowledge and skills for classroom instruction but also other dimensions such as communication, social value and culture.

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How to Cite
Souysaart, T., & Sohsomboon, P. (2022). Science Pre-service Teacher Reflection on Pedagogical Knowledge and Other Essential Practical Skills Needed for Practicum according to School Context in Thailand. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(1), 44–54. (Original work published April 30, 2022)
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