Advancing Conceptual Understanding of Science

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Kim Chwee Daniel Tan
Jennifer Yeo


Categorisation of the entities of the world are important to help one make sense of the world and this process forms an integral part in the development of concepts.  Inadequate clarifications and understanding of concepts in science may result in difficulties in the learning of science.   In this paper, the authors discuss what the term, ‘conceptual understanding’, entails in the learning of science, using examples from the topics of ‘Acids and Bases’ and the ‘Particulate Nature of Matter’.  The authors also provide suggestions on how teachers can teach for conceptual understanding in the classroom as well as in the laboratory.

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How to Cite
Tan, K. C. D. ., & Yeo, J. . (2022). Advancing Conceptual Understanding of Science. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(2), 56–64.
Academic Article


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