Publication Ethics
The Journal of Management Science and Accounting, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, recognizes the importance of developing journal quality to meet standards and ethical principles. This aligns with the announcement by the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) regarding the ethical evaluation of Thai academic journals in the TCI database. Therefore, the journal has established roles, duties, and guidelines based on ethical principles for publication for three groups: 1. Authors, 2. Editors and Editorial Board, and 3. Reviewers, as follows:
Duties of Authors
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Publication Ethics
The Journal of Management Science and Accounting, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, recognizes the importance of developing journal quality to meet standards and ethical principles. This aligns with the announcement by the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) regarding the ethical evaluation of Thai academic journals in the TCI database. Therefore, the journal has established roles, duties, and guidelines based on ethical principles for publication for three groups: 1. Authors, 2. Editors and Editorial Board, and 3. Reviewers, as follows:
Duties of Authors
1. Authors must certify that their work has not been previously published elsewhere.
2. Authors must prioritize proper citation of documents, academic works, etc., both in the content and bibliography, strictly following the format specified by the journal.
3. Authors must not plagiarize others' work or text in a way that could be mistaken for their own. If authors use others' work in their article, they must correctly cite it every time.
4. Authors must not conceal, distort, or fabricate data from reality in their presentation for personal benefit.
5. Authors must clearly disclose funding sources or any conflicts of interest (if any).
Duties of Editors
1. Editors and the Editorial Board are responsible for screening the quality of articles before publication to ensure alignment with the journal's objectives and strictly checking for plagiarism.
2. Editors and the Editorial Board must not disclose information about authors and reviewers to each other or to uninvolved third parties throughout the evaluation process.
3. Editors and the Editorial Board must not publish articles in their own journal for any benefit without exception.
4.Editors and the Editorial Board must control various processes in operations without bias towards authors' works and consider them fairly.
5. Editors and the Editorial Board must not have any conflicts of interest with authors and expert reviewers.
6. Editors and the Editorial Board must strictly follow the journal's processes to maintain the quality standards set by the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre.
Duties of Reviewers
1. Reviewers must not disclose article information to uninvolved third parties throughout the review period.
2. Reviewers should evaluate works based on their expertise, knowledge, and experience according to academic principles, without bias, vested interests, or conflicts of interest with the authors.
3. Reviewers should evaluate works in line with the article content and correct academic principles, and submit their evaluations within the timeframe set by the journal.
4. Reviewers must inform the editor if they find any content, text, or part that duplicates other articles.