Participatory action research in development of content marketing for processed herbal products: A case study of the Dao Inca Herbal Community Enterprise Group, Ban Kaeng Sub-district, Mueang Sa Kaeo District, Sa Kaeo Province.
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This research is a Participatory Action Research (PAR) with the objective of developing online communication channels for the Daw Inca Herbal Community Enterprise Group in Ban Kaeng Sub-district, Mueang District, Sa Kaeo Province, to effectively implement content marketing. The research employed in-depth interviews, observations, and questionnaires for data collection. The main informants included the president of the community enterprise group and seven members, as well as an evaluation of the satisfaction of 100 purposively selected consumers.
The tools used for data collection included in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The study found that the online communication of the Daw Inca Herbal Community Enterprise Group was moderately effective, with high levels of content interest, new information disclosure, and credibility. In developing content for content marketing, efforts were made to create, manage, disseminate, and enhance the appeal of the content to build a sustainable relationship between the community enterprise group and its customers. The developed content focused on three main areas with eight forms: creating brand awareness, building credibility, and fostering engagement. These were presented through various formats such as the benefits of the product, the herbs used, the production process, product review articles, and instructions for product use.
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