Using mature palm fruit for foot massage to support the health of the elderly based on communal wisdom, Pak Nam Subdistrict, Bang Khla District, Chachoengsao Province.

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ศิรินันท์ คำสี
ศิรินันท์ คำสี
สุรีย์พร ธรรมิกพงษ์


The aim of this research was to learn about the wisdom of the community in Pak Nam Subdistrict, Bang Khla District, Chachoengsao Province, and how to use palm fruit for foot massage to support the health of the old. Using a purposive sampling strategy, we included 20 older members of the older Club and 20 community leaders. The research is divided into 3 phases: 1) study information on the context and needs of promoting health of the elderly; 2) Develop palm fruit foot massage to promote the health of the elderly from the wisdom of the community. 3) Evaluate the performance of palm fruit utilization. Data collection by focus group discussion, data analysis by data classification, keyword analysis from focus group discussion. The results of the study found that the community has a unique resource, which is a tourist attraction in the village of fresh sugar. The fruits of the palm trees that are used to make desserts that create careers on the tourism route are leftovers, so they thought together and developed them into palm tree foot massage balls. Satisfaction in using palm fruit to massage the soles of the feet to promote the health of the elderly was overall at the highest level (4.38±0.82). As a result, the elderly are relaxed and can stimulate nerve endings, promoting health and care for the feet of the elderly.

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How to Cite
คำสี ศ., คำสี ศ., & ธรรมิกพงษ์ ส. (2024). Using mature palm fruit for foot massage to support the health of the elderly based on communal wisdom, Pak Nam Subdistrict, Bang Khla District, Chachoengsao Province. RMUTL Journal of Socially Engaged Scholarship, 8(1). retrieved from


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