Thai Development approach of Eco Print fabric products to create an identity of Ban Mae Lan Nuea products and handicrafts Community Enterprise, Phrae Province.
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The findings showed that the transferring knowledge about making Eco print fabric involves 6 steps: 1) fabric preparation 2) Mordent water preparation 3) preparation of dye water from sappan wood 4) leaf preparation and leaf placement 5) steaming and 6) color washing. Guidelines for creating community identity consist of 4 approaches: 1. Eco print fabric, consisting of pieces of cloth, shawls, and t-shirts. 2. Processed products include sarongs and umbrellas. 3. Use fabric scraps to develop into Boro shoe products made from scraps made from felt and Eco print fabric. And 4. Being a learning resources for the community about hand-woven fabric and handicraft products, handwoven fabrics and Eco print fabrics. For the Eco print product, which is a community identity, there is a common opinion in making a sarong from Eco print fabric, which will be based on the guidelines for making a sarong of Long District. There will be 3 components: top part of the skirt, middle part of the skirt and low part of the skirt are not commonly woven into the whole piece. Therefore, this concept was applied by connecting the hand-woven fabric that is the skirt with Eco print fabric. The hand-woven sarong has a unique pattern called the “Sin Tah” which has long stripes that are unique to the Tai Yuan. Makes it look different from competitors in the market. Economic impact: It was found that group members' income from selling products increased by 60 percent. Furthermore, Social aspect: A community learning center was established and Environment aspect: The community has become conscious of preserving trees, to be used to make patterns on cloth.
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