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The WebQuest Learning Approach and Reflective Practice in Instruction: Does It Work?


  • Chanchhaya Chhouk
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Ruedeerath Chusanachoti



WebQuest Learning Approach, ReflectivePractice, EFL, CriticalReading


     This study investigated the effectiveness of an instructional model integrating the WebQuest Learning Approach (WQLA) and Reflective Practice (RP) in enhancing the critical reading ability of university students. The participants were 11 second-year undergraduate students who were purposefully selected from one private university located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This study was a one-group pretest and posttest design. The instruments used in this study were 1) the instructional model integrating WQLA and RP, and 2) an English critical reading ability test. The instructional model was developed by integrating two learning approaches, WQLA and RP. The English critical reading ability test was developed on the basis of critical reading abilities, namely, making inferences, evaluating information, and drawing conclusions. A Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test was used to analyze the effectiveness of the instructional model in enhancing the students’ critical reading ability. The findings showed that the students’ critical reading ability was significantly improved (p<.00). This study also sheds new light on the current knowledge, theory, and practice with respect to the effectiveness of the instructional model integrating WQLA and RP in enhancing students’ critical reading ability, in terms of making inferences, evaluating information, and drawing conclusions. 


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How to Cite

Chhouk, C., & Chusanachoti, R. (2022). The WebQuest Learning Approach and Reflective Practice in Instruction: Does It Work?. วารสารภาษาปริทัศน์, (36), 20.



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