Feasibility of Using Community-Based Learning in Thai EFL instruction
community-based learning, EFL, second language acquisition, Thailand’s educationบทคัดย่อ
It is claimed that the principles in the paradigm shift in second language acquisition has partly been implemented in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) arena. How to make EFL pedagogies suit the shift then becomes an issue of interest for EFL authorities. In Thailand, such an interest has also been raised. This paper argues that community-based learning (CBL) enables Thai EFL instruction to chime with the shift. Moreover, given some commonalities among the principles in the paradigm shift, the principles in CBL, and the principles emphasised in the 1999 Thailand National Education Act, it could be expected that such integration is realisable in practice. In this paper, aside from a commentary on the integration, pedagogic implications involving CBL activities and roles of teachers in Thai EFL contexts are given and potential challenges discussed.
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