#academic journals and networks

If you want to know the quality journals for publishing your academic works.
If you are a community of academic journal people..you must come to share your experiences with us at
Surindra Rajabhat University.

Invitation to join with us in types of on-site and online for
upgrading and developing the quality of academic journals towards excellence
Apply from now: https://forms.gle/GriqBN2KSdrXKkVu7
The activity begin on March 27th, 2024 at 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. at the computer laboratory, 4th floor, Building 44, Faculty of Management Sciences or online from https://zoom.us/j/97345878790

You will get. - Journal and network management systems and mechanisms - Develop the quality of academic journals to meet the standards set by the Office of the Civil Service Commission and TCI. - Submission of journal quality assessment in the TCI national academic journal database, Round 5 (April-May 2024) - Receive a certificate after evaluating the project