The Personnel Role of Religious Ceremony Team at Surindra Rajabhat University

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Phiphat Withee
Pitak Saenkla
Peerawat Inthawee
Thongpool Khumkham
Thongchai Suksawaeng
Wirote Thongplew


The purpose of this article was a synthesizing of the personnel role performance at Surindra Rajabhat University. It was collected information from the documents of the Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture and taken lessons about the duties of religious ceremony of personnel that is called “the religious ceremony team".  The study found that religious ceremony is a formal practice that provides for a well-established and organized process. These are accepted and respected by society with faith. The person who is responsible for the successful completion of that religious ceremony is the religious ceremony team. This team will be driven the activity and created a system of religious ceremony to facilitate through the sequence and achieve the objectives successfully. Surindra Rajabhat University has personnel who have the ability to bring knowledge about a variety of religious ceremony and transfer to the activities in the form of religious ceremony. This will be required experience, knowledge and competence from the personnel. Knowledge of religious ceremony should be developed into the learning process so that it can be passed on to students or interested people. Therefore, it will be a ritual that is valuable to a wealthy society.


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How to Cite
Withee, P., Saenkla, P., Inthawee, P., Khumkham, T., Suksawaeng, T., & Thongplew, W. (2022). The Personnel Role of Religious Ceremony Team at Surindra Rajabhat University. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 11(1), 46–55.
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