Information System Development for the Phra Phrom Wachirayan Museum of Ancient Wooden Buddha at Ah Mong Temple, Mueang Surin District, Surin Province

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Suphattra Wayalun
Pongsakorn Pongpreecha
Suphachai Ngahom
Supakit NogYai


This research aimed 1) to design and develop the information system for the Phra Phrom Wachirayan museum of Ancient Wooden Buddha at Ah Mong temple and 2) to assess the effectiveness of the information system for the Phra Phrom Wachirayan museum of Ancient Wooden Buddha at Ah Mong temple. This research used the system development process with the Agile scrum methodology for system design and analysis. The web application development used no-code platform as a research framework. The research area scope was Tasawang subdistrict, Mueang Surin district, Surin province. The key informants were five monks, ten tourists, and three scholars. There were totaling eighteen people using the purposive sampling method. There are two research tools: 1) interview form and 2) questionnaire. The analyzing data used mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The results showed that 1) the information system consisted of five modules including about us, travel, Wooden Buddha history, learning facial recognition by how to tag faces, and development of the WordPress. 2) The overall evaluation of the performance of the system was very high ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.50, S.D. = 0.61). It was found that the accuracy of the content was very high (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.75, S.D. = 0.43). The knowledge from this research found that designing and analyzing systems using the Scrum Agile method had effective results. The emphasis was on meeting teams to exchange ideas, coupled with the use of no-code platforms, resulting in a small number of developers. But the information system is still very efficient responded the needs of users.


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How to Cite
Wayalun, S., Pongpreecha, P., Ngahom, S., & NogYai, S. (2022). Information System Development for the Phra Phrom Wachirayan Museum of Ancient Wooden Buddha at Ah Mong Temple, Mueang Surin District, Surin Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 11(1), 16–30.
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