A Study of Belief in Spirit Communication Rituals of Khmer Ethnic Groups in Nok Mueang Sub-district, Mueang District, Surin Province
The research aimed to study of belief in spirit communication rituals of Khmer ethnic groups
in Nok Mueang sub-district, Mueang district, Surin province. This research was qualitative research and collected the data using three types of research tools: observational record, interview form, and focus group discussion form. The target group were eighteen people including Kru Mamuad, patients who suffer from physical illness and receives services from a teacher who performs the ritual, relatives of the patients, monks, community leaders, and general people. The results showed the persistence of the Khmer ethnic group in Nok Mueang sub-district, Mueang district, Surin province found scattered throughout the area. Most beliefs about ghosts are similar but differ in only a few practical details of the rituals. In addition, the belief in the spirit is inherited and kept the tradition through rituals offered to the souls in various festivals of communities and households. As for the spirit communication rituals, it was found that “Mamuad” still performs the worship rituals in the way he has been transmitted.
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