Character Roles in Television Dramas Affecting Student’s Imitative Behaviors at Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Samutprakan
These research objectives were to study population characteristics, study behaviors for watching television dramas, and study imitative behaviors from character roles in television dramas of students at Dramasat Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Samutprakan. There were 1,200 students who were enrolled in the first semester of the 2017 year. The sample group were 300 students who were collected by Taro Yamane method. The questionnaire served as an instrument to gather information. The study's findings showed that the student’s behaviors at Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Samutprakarn watched television dramas using mobile phone applications more than television. Most students took time to watch television dramas media from one hour to one and a half hours. The most reason for watching television dramas media was to bring the topics from the drama to continue the conversation. Most of deciding to watch television drama media to watch because of the content of the drama or television drama. Most of the students’ favourite character roles in television dramas were dressing and makeup. It was discovered that the imitative behaviors from character roles in television dramas of students overall were makeup, hairstyles of actors, exercises for good body shape like actors, and enjoying using motivational phrases in conversation. Moreover, the imitative behaviors from character roles in television dramas of students discovered that the different population characteristics and behaviors watching television dramas of students had affected different imitative behaviors from character roles in television dramas.
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