Local Wisdom of Banana Stalk Carving Art of Thai Phuan Ethnic Group, Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province

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Chutiphong Khongsanthia
Kanittha Rungwannasak


This article aims to study the local wisdom of the banana stalk carving art of the Thai Phuan ethnic group, Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province. By pointing out the characteristics and importance of the banana stalk carving art to the Thai Phuan people of Ban Phue District. The study found that the banana stalk carving art is carving patterns on banana clams to build wax castles (Pra Sat Phueng) and castle towers (Ho Pra Sat). Used as part of death rituals, including decorating the crematorium, dedicate merit to the deceased during the end of the Buddhist Lent merit event (Bun Ok Phan Sa) and Bun Ho Khao (Wrapped Rice merit event). There are 2 types of patterns: (1) Traditional patterns namely serrated pattern (Lai Fan Pla), triple serrated pattern (Fan Sam), club flowers pattern (Dok Jig), turtle feet (Teen Tao)/ Phak Waen pattern and (2) the applied patterns include Ngo pattern (seem Thai Kanok), Khaen Nang/ Wan Laen pattern and Naga pattern. The important materials and equipment are Tanee banana trees (M.balbisiana) and a sharp knife for making cuts of various sizes. At present, there is only one community sage who has inherited the knowledge, Mr. Somkid Srisawang, who is teaching at the Thai Puan Museum, Ban Phue District Udon Thani Province. There are many aspects of the value of local wisdom of the banana stalk carving art on the Thai Puan ethnic group, Ban Phue District, including the value in terms of craftsmanship, value in terms of ethnic identity, social value, Philosophical/ spiritual worldview values and economic and tourism value. Nowadays, local wisdom of the banana stalk carving art is facing a crisis especially the lack of successors. Therefore, a guideline for preserving and inheriting this local wisdom is proposed, namely managing knowledge into categories, application is a community-based learning activity, public relations in various forms of media, including the extension of knowledge and wisdom so that it can be used in other occasions.


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How to Cite
Khongsanthia, C., & Rungwannasak, K. (2023). Local Wisdom of Banana Stalk Carving Art of Thai Phuan Ethnic Group, Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 12(2), 68–82. https://doi.org/10.14456/acj.2023.12
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