Cultural Capital Management of the Legend of Prasat Yai Ngao, Ban Phun Sai, Ban Chob Sub-district, Sangkha District, Surin Province

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Phra Amphon Thanapalo
Phra Mit Jarudhammo
Phra Pichit Piyawanno
Yasothara Siriphapraphagon
Kroekwut Kanthiang
Suriya Klaungrit


This article aimed to study the cultural capital management model for the legend of Prasat Yai Ngao, Ban Phun Sai, Ban Chob Sub-district, Sangkha district, Surin province. The study used the qualitative research process of searching for cultural capital for the legend of Prasat Yai Ngao in surveys and in-depth interviews. After getting information, it must be analyzed to find a way to inherit and preserve the worship ritual of Prasat Yai Ngao. The study found that the data should be studied and collected from the activities of the rituals and the art of performing the dances of the sacrifices. The study should raise awareness of the local people to realize the value of local wisdom and should restore the traditional performing arts and belief rituals. The product should be developed in the form of Prasat Yai Ngao. Their performance should have efficient light and sound show. There should transfer of knowledge to the youth for inheritance. The cooperation networks should be established and should be distributed and exchanged in the form of digital media. It should create local philosophers including ceremonies, sacrificial dances, folk performing arts, and musicians' terms. Then, it should honour the philosophers.


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How to Cite
Thanapalo, P. A., Jarudhammo, P. M., Piyawanno, P. P., Siriphapraphagon, Y., Kanthiang, K., & Klaungrit, S. (2022). Cultural Capital Management of the Legend of Prasat Yai Ngao, Ban Phun Sai, Ban Chob Sub-district, Sangkha District, Surin Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 11(1), 66–77.
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