The Analysis of the Role of Phra Kru Sangkharakmantri Piyawanno of Nong Phrong Monastery and the Social Development in Buri Ram Province

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Kan Kanjanapimai
Bussayapan Riangsanam
Ekkapong Pattanakul


This research aimed to study and analyze the role of Phra Kru Sangkharakmantri Piyawanno of Nong Phrong Monastery, Isan Subdistrict, Mueang Buri Ram District, BuriRam Province, in relation to societal development in Buri Ram Province. This research was a qualitative study that investigated information from documents and research papers, relevant textbooks, and on-site in-depth interviews. The research employed non-participatory observation and semi-structured interviews with community leaders and local residents in the area. The findings were then analyzed and summarized through a narrative presentation. The analysis focused on the role of Phra Kru Sangkharakmantri Piyawanno of Nong Phrong Monastery and the social development of Buriram Province. The research findings revealed that the developmental role of Phra Kru Sangkharakmantri Piyawanno had contributed to the holistic development of individuals, including both physical and mental aspects, with a particular emphasis on the mental dimension. The approach involved disseminating Buddhist teachings through practical teachings, highlighting alternative perspectives different from traditional beliefs. The teachings were adapted to align with the context of the community, fostering transformative thinking and practical application. This was achieved through a collaborative effort between public welfare and developmental initiatives. Therefore, the role of Phra Kru Sangkharakmantri Piyawanno reflected the engagement in social activities and the coexistence of the monkhood, indicating a collaborative relationship with society for the future.


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How to Cite
Kanjanapimai, K., Riangsanam, B. ., & Pattanakul, E. . (2023). The Analysis of the Role of Phra Kru Sangkharakmantri Piyawanno of Nong Phrong Monastery and the Social Development in Buri Ram Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 12(2), 17–28.
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