Guidelines for Career Development for Ban Kut Ngio Community, Muen Si Sub-District, Samrong Thap District, Surin Province

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Pattapol Sookban
Werapong Nitarume
Alisa Suwannang
Wanchai Suktam
Jirayu Supsin


Developing the community's careers into sustainable practices must allow the community to express their opinions towards community development for creating a peaceful and happy life. The objectives of this study were to 1) study the level of opinions towards the career development of the Ban Kut Ngio community, Muen Si Subdistrict, Samrong Thap District in Surin Province. 2) To compare opinions on the career development of Ban Kut Ngiew community and 3) to study the career development guidelines of the Ban Kut Ngio community. There were using mixed methods of research and separated into two phases. The first phase, the quantitative research used questionnaires to collect 195 people. The statistics for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, variance, and t-distribution. The second phase, the qualitative research used in-depth interviews with 30 key informants who were selected by purposive sampling including village headman, assistant village headman, sub-district doctor, sub-district chief inspector, professional group and farmer group. The data analysis used content analysis, categorizing, synthesizing into common issues or main issues, and content discussion. The research results found that 1) the study result of community opinions on career development as a whole were at the highest average level. 2) The results of community opinions comparison overall on career development found that gender, educational level, occupation, and status have different opinions on career development, while age and average income were differences in overall opinions on career development with statistics at the 0.05 level. 3) The study results of career development guidelines for the Ban Kut Ngio community found that the marketing should support the community products market with a product survey of market demand. In terms of production and quality, the product processing community used natural raw materials available in the community to reduce production costs. In terms of career development, the community would like to have lecturers to come and provide knowledge about career promotion and would like to have a community enterprise group established. Regarding occupational problems, each occupational group should have a specific group meeting and should be serviced by both the government and private sectors. The budget consultation should have projects to support and provide jobs for the community.


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How to Cite
Sookban, P., Nitarume, W., Suwannang, A., Suktam, W., & Supsin, J. (2024). Guidelines for Career Development for Ban Kut Ngio Community, Muen Si Sub-District, Samrong Thap District, Surin Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 13(2), 1–12.
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