Studying Guidelines for Promoting the Careers of the Elderly Based on Local Wisdom, Ban Rayong, Tha Sawang Sub-District, Mueang District, Surin Province

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Jiranthon Thongnarin
Wachiraporn Wimanram
Thanawat Meesanthia
Wanchai Suktam
Jirayu Supsin


The economic security of the elderly is an important issue in creating a happy and sustainable aging society. Thus, the objectives of this research were 1. to study the opinion of people to promoting the careers of the elderly based on local wisdom, Ban Rayong, Tha Sawang sub-district, Mueang district, Surin province, 2. compare the opinion of people, and 3. study the guidelines for promoting the careers of the elderly based on local wisdom. Using a research model that combines the first phase for quantitative and the second phase for qualitative methods. The quantitative research used 159 people of the elderly in Ban Rayong community, Tha Sawang sub-district, Mueang district, Surin province which could be divided into 4 worthies, namely 1) worthy Luang Ta Udomsak, 2) worthy Niang Uma, 3) worthy Makham Yai, and 4) worthy Si Samakkhi Ruamjai. There were collected by using the multi-stage sampling method. A questionnaire was used to collect data and analysis with t-value testing, F-value testing, frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The qualitative research used in-depth interviews as a tool for collecting data from 30 people including a group of community leaders, village head assistants, village head inspector, committee members, occupation and group, and the community. Using the purposive selection method and used content analysis techniques to complement the context. The results found that the opinion of people to promoting the careers of the elderly in total was good. The result of comparing the opinions of people classified by personal factors found that different age and salary had different opinion level towards promoting the careers of the elderly based on local wisdom, Ban Rayong, Tha Sawang sub-district, Mueang district, Surin province in statistically significant at the .05.  While different sex, education, occupation, status, and living styles had not different opinion level. The result of study the guidelines for promoting the careers of the elderly based on local wisdom found that the elderly people like to work at home, including silk weaving, basketry, and making medicinal compress plants. Elderly people want to receive cultural transfers and local wisdom, such as herbal compresses. and local products. Elderly people want to receive advice and assistance from government agencies, including law and health. Elderly people need budgets for community development and tourism promotion. Elderly people need materials, equipment, and tools for marketing promotions.


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How to Cite
Thongnarin, J., Wimanram, W., Meesanthia, T., Suktam, W., & Supsin, J. (2024). Studying Guidelines for Promoting the Careers of the Elderly Based on Local Wisdom, Ban Rayong, Tha Sawang Sub-District, Mueang District, Surin Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 13(2), 13–27.
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