Developing Community Enterprise for Success: A Case Study of Ban Na Ngam Thai Organic Farming Community Enterprise Group, Village No. 11, Tat Thong Subdistrict, Si That District, Udon Thani Province

Saran Charoensiri
Chaimongkol Siriwarin
Nisara Praditduang
Phongsathorn Sanglee
Keywords: Community Enterprise, Success, Udon Thani
Published: Feb 23, 2024


This research had the objectives (1) to study the development of community enterprises towards success, in the case of the Ban Na Ngam Thai Organic Farming Community Enterprise Group, Village No. 11, Tat Thong Subdistrict, Si That District, Udon Thani Province, and (2) to study the opinions of group members regarding factors affecting the development of community enterprises towards success. This research was conducted using mixed methods research including both quantitative and qualitative research. The population and sample were members of the Thai Organic Farming Community Enterprise Group, Ban Na Ngam, Village No. 11, Tad Thong Subdistrict, Si That District, Udon Thani Province, totalling 17 people. For quantitative data collection questionnaires. The qualitative data was collected from 4 people who were important informants with in-depth interviews and observation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. As for the suggestions, descriptive analysis will be used. The results of the study found that the management of the community enterprise group, in terms of marketing, had sales offices located at locations: Central Plaza Udon Thani, Central Plaza Bangna, and Tops Superstore at Nong Han Branch, Nong Han Subdistrict, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province, and members of the group are encouraged to sell the products. The group operated like a family and allowed everyone to receive products for selling in both of storefronts and online channels using the name of Organic Cane Sugar. In terms of leadership, the leaders were selfless and always seeking new things to develop the enterprise group. In terms of work methods, there were rules within the group. Skills were developed for members to work efficiently. In terms of motivation of workers, it was found that wages are very important in motivating people to work. The profit sharing was allocated for workers and committee members and a social fund for the community. In terms of government policy, the policies had been introduced to help promote management through relevant organizations: Si That District Agricultural Office, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, Udon Thani Rajabhat University, and the government's Thai Business Community Project. In terms of local wisdom, the group brought local wisdom to modern development which was a sugar cane crusher. Moreover, the studying the opinions of group members about factors affecting the development of community enterprises towards success, it was found that all 6 areas were overall at a high level.


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How to Cite

Charoensiri, S., Siriwarin, C., Praditduang, N., & Sanglee, P. (2024). Developing Community Enterprise for Success: A Case Study of Ban Na Ngam Thai Organic Farming Community Enterprise Group, Village No. 11, Tat Thong Subdistrict, Si That District, Udon Thani Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 13(1), 16–31.


Research Articles



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