The Development of Quality Assurance Systems within Educational Institutions with the 3PPS Supervision Process

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Preeya Songprasert


The objectives of this research were; 1) to comparison knowledge and understanding of the process to development of the quality assurance system within the school's educational institutions after used the 3PPS supervision process. 2) to study the results of the development of the quality assurance system within the school's educational institutions. Under the office of Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area 1. The samples used in this research study were schools under the Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, for 40 schools, from the schools under the jurisdiction that have been assessed for external quality, round 4, the fiscal year 2022.  Assign 2 respondents per school namely administrators and teachers responsible for educational quality assurance work.The tool used to collect data was the assessment of knowledge and understanding of quality assurance within the educational institution. A supervision form according to the implementation of internal quality assurance in educational institutions using the 3PPS supervision process.

The results show that 1) The administrators and teachers in charge of educational quality assurance have higher knowledge and understanding of the development of quality assurance systems within educational institutions. After the development of quality assurance systems within educational institutions through the 3PPS supervision process    2) The schools under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Education Service Area Office 1 have a quality assurance process within the school. Overall, at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Songprasert, P. (2024). The Development of Quality Assurance Systems within Educational Institutions with the 3PPS Supervision Process. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 14(1), 71–87. Retrieved from
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