Chiang Taeng in History between 1784 and 1895

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Pimpatima Naressirikul


This academic journal is a result of research on Chiang Taeng in the aspects of political, economic and social history between 1784 and 1895. In political dimension, Chiang Taeng was an important dependency of Siam, located at the rim of the territory, the border between Cambodia and Siam, and Chiang Tang not very far from Vietnam, Siam’s political rival. The province also developed to a major colony in Siam’s administrative reconstruction and afterwards a strategic point for France during its power expansion over the left of Mekong River in the 19th century. Chiang Taeng in economic history had potential geography, resource and location for market and trade among Laos, Cambodia and Cochinchina. Last, in the aspect of social history, Chiang Taeng, throughout its development of population movement, politic and economic, embraced multiethnic society.

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How to Cite
Naressirikul, P. (2022). Chiang Taeng in History between 1784 and 1895. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(2), 41–56. retrieved from
Academic Article


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