Nurturing the Maker Mindset in Pre-Service Teachers: A Study of the Impact of a STEM Camps

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Jatutip Kaya
Suthida Chamrat


This study investigates the impact of STEM camps on developing a maker mindset in pre-service science teachers. A total of 11 pre-service teachers participated in a 2-month fieldwork experience that included attending STEM camps three times and a debrief session. The Maker Mindset questionnaire was used to assess changes in the participants' maker mindset over the fieldwork experience. The STEM camp, based on a DIY tinker and maker framework, consisted of 13 activities that aimed to promote an understanding of STEM concepts and principles through experiential learning. The data indicated significant changes in several categories of the Maker Mindset questionnaire between the pre-STEM camp and post-STEM camp. Specifically, the level of "Change," "Learn," "Play," and "Make" increased, while the level of "Self-efficacy" decreased. These findings suggest that the STEM camp positively impacted the development of a maker mindset in pre-service science teachers. The findings also pointed that to promote the maker mindset in STEM camps effectively, it is important to address skills such as growth mindset, grit, and collaboration.

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How to Cite
Kaya, J., & Chamrat, S. (2023). Nurturing the Maker Mindset in Pre-Service Teachers: A Study of the Impact of a STEM Camps. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 2(1), 1–18.
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