Pre-service Science Teachers’ Awareness of Knowledge and Skills for Inquiry Teaching during Their Teaching Practices in Schools

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Jirakan Yuenyong
Pratuengsook Maneelam
Jiraporn Tupsai


This study examined preservice science teachers’ awareness of knowledge and skills for inquiry teaching during their teaching practice in schools. The participants were 3 preservice science teachers enrolled in a school internship course of Khon Kaen University (KKU) in order to practice their teaching in KKU Demonstration School (modindaeng). The KKU teaching practices course allowed these preservice teachers to practice their teaching for 2 semesters in the fifth year of their course. These 3 preservice teachers had finished their teaching practice at the secondary school level, in different schools, before they came to practice primary science teaching in the KKU Demonstration School. An interpretive paradigm was used for the research. Tools of interpretation included questionnaires, interviews, and participant observation. The findings clarified what and how the pre-service teachers learned and became aware of knowledge and skills for improving their teaching, with a focus on inquiry teaching. The paper will discuss their perceptions of problems and solutions for their teaching, pathways of gaining knowledge and skills for inquiry teaching, and the awareness they had of knowledge from 4 years of course work before taking part in these teaching experiences.

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How to Cite
Yuenyong, J., Maneelam, P., & Tupsai, J. (2023). Pre-service Science Teachers’ Awareness of Knowledge and Skills for Inquiry Teaching during Their Teaching Practices in Schools. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 2(1), 51–59.
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