Development of Grade 10 Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Dot Structure and Molecular Shape from Learning by Using Magnet and Pin Kits

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Phalakorn Kamkhou


This research aims to develop grade 10 students’ conceptual understanding of the topic of dot structure and molecular shape from learning by using the Magnet and Pin kits. The research methodology is one group pretest-posttest design. The participants are 33 grade 10 students at the Demonstration School of Khon Kaen University (Thailand), acquired by purposive sampling. The data was collected using the Dot structure and Molecular shape Conceptual Test (DMCT). The DMCT will be used to collect data for the pre-test and post-test. There are six items in the DMCT (difference in six molecular formulas; PF5, ClO4-, CO32-, O3, ClF3 and XeOF4 ). The answers form DMCT were analyzed by classifying the conceptual understanding at 5 levels according to the conceptual framework of Ҫalik, Ayas, and Coll (2009). The results found that before learning, most of the students had a conceptual understanding at the NU level of the ClO4-, CO32- ,O3, ClF3, XeOF4 molecule and had SAC level understanding of the PF5 molecule. It showed that the students’ conceptual understanding of all molecules was very low. After learning with the Magnet and Pin kits, most of the students’ conceptual understanding level increased to the SU level for the PF5, CO32-, ClF3 and XeOF4 molecules and increased to the PU level for the O3 and ClO4- molecule. This shows that the use of Magnet and Pin kits in learning to draw the Lewis dot structure and to make molecular shape prediction can help students achieve an overall higher level of conception from NU and SAC to SU and PU levels. The students could specify the type and number of central atoms, surrounding atoms, number of bond pair electrons, and lone pair electrons. The students could also draw the Lewis dot structure correctly and they could draw images to represent three-dimensional shapes of molecules and correctly specify the names of molecular shapes.

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How to Cite
Kamkhou, P. (2023). Development of Grade 10 Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Dot Structure and Molecular Shape from Learning by Using Magnet and Pin Kits. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 2(2), 60–75.
Research Articles


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