The Academic Performance of Grade-11 Biology on Modular Distance Learning: Basis for Instructional Material Development

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Michelle Ann Junco
Edna Nabua


Despite the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the Filipino students continued their educational journey despite economic and physical challenges with distance learning modalities. The students’ low mastery of content knowledge in Biology is the most frequent issue faced by science teachers. Probably, the academic challenge was worsened by the impact brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, thus, transforming face-to-face learning into modular learning.  The objective of this study is to determine the least mastered topics in Grade 11 after modular distance learning has been implemented among the Grade 11 learners. The researchers used a quantitative descriptive study utilizing a researcher-made questionnaire. The questionnaire served as the main instrument in collecting the data and was validated by experts. The respondents were 131 Grade 12 students of a private senior high school in Leyte, Philippines. The findings showed that the topic on Energy Transformation is the least mastered competency. Moreover, the topics on Cell, Biological Molecules, Organismal Biology, Genetics, Taxonomy and Evolution are not mastered by these Grade 12 students. This implies that during the modular distance learning modality, learners were not able to master the desired Biological competencies of the senior high school curriculum. This study recommends possible instructional interventions that may include inquiry-based to further enhance the proficiency of students in biology and decrease students’ difficulties.

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How to Cite
Junco, M. A., & Nabua, E. (2023). The Academic Performance of Grade-11 Biology on Modular Distance Learning: Basis for Instructional Material Development. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 2(2), 87–105.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Michelle Ann Junco, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

She is one of the Faculty of Instruction at one of the universities in the Philippines.


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